Tag: Green State
The Green State of West Papua
The name of the State The Green State of West Papua can be called as the Confederal Republic of West Papua or Confederation of West Papuan Tribes or the Republic…
The Greenest States in the United States of America
Just as sustainability has multiple meanings, so too does being “green.” The natural world protected and untouched is one form of “green.” Our actions can be “green,” and society can…
Towards a Green State: A Comparative Study on OECD Countries through Fuzzy-Set Analysis
Abstract This study aims to develop an empirical measurement framework of the green state and compare twenty-four OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries’ cases through the fuzzy-set multiple…
Five Core Systems
Republic of West Papua: A Post Postmodern Green State – Blue Country The Interim President of West Papua, Honourable Benny Wenda announced on December 1st, 2020 that West Papua is the…
Policy Areas
Republic of West Papua: A Post Postmodern Green State – Blue Country The Interim President of West Papua, Honourable Benny Wenda announced on December 1st, 2020 that West Papua is the…
We, the Indigenous peoples of West Papua, have set our collective mission to save our New Guinea Island from destruction and disaster to the lungs of our planet Earth, the…
Hello world! This is West Papua: a Modern Green Nation-State, a Blue Country
West Papua is a Modern “Green Nation-State” Green State According to The definition of a green state is a state that focuses political actions on protecting the environment. An…
Marker Insights: Is Your State as Green as You Are?
Mother Nature loves you. Not only do you separate your recyclables and rinse them, you even categorize your glass and plastic by color. So when HR offers you a great…